Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Big 0-4!

Well, today is a very special day in the Birdie household. Today little Red turns 4. It's only appropriate that I venture back down the road to his birth, remembering him in that perfect form, that tiny little infant wrapped in a blue striped blanket with beautiful bright red hair all over his head.

My middle child, much like his personality, was very organized, from his conception to his birth. We were married in October, and were extremely ready for another child. We started right away. By December we were pregnant and nine months later he was born. Unlike the first and third pregnancies, there wasn't any health issues or concerns. Pregnancy was a breeze.

We scheduled the c-section and he came out, right on time, without any drama. Such a sweet baby boy, just laying there quietly wanting to be loved. And loved he was.

From his parents, to his grandparents to his big brother, Blondie, he has always had somewhere there to hug him, kiss him, help him, play with him, hold him, tickle him, laugh with him, and even cry with him.

He was such the perfect baby it was almost a shame that he had to grow up so fast. Little Red was only 6 weeks old when I became pregnant with the little monster. So, for the majority of Red's baby years Mommy was pregnant with the pregnancy from H-E-L-L with his little sister. But, he never complained, never gave me a moments fuss.

The funniest thing about Red's first year was that he loved his Ocean Wonder's Aquarium Swing. I mean, LOVED IT. It got to be that was the only place he would sleep. His father and I would feel guilty laying in bed and knowing he was 5 feet away, swinging by the light of the computer generated fish and ocean sounds. But, that's where he wanted to be.

Now that he's the big 0-4, he's still the same type of kid. Very low maintenance, and wants things his way - regardless of how uncomfortable it may appear. He insists on wearing his shoes on the wrong feet. He does it every time and he knows better, he just likes to be silly.

He also likes to call people the wrong names - on purpose - jut to get a laugh or a reaction. He's my cuddler, the one who can wrap in my arms and stay there for days. He's also the only child in my house who keeps their room clean or can clean it on demand.

He worships his big brother and fears his little sister. He wants to be just like his Dad, and grow up to marry his Mom (or so he says).

His grandparents are his favorite audience, and he likes to try most of his "tall tales" out on them. He also holds a lot of stock in "shock value" as he says some pretty crazy things just to see your reaction.

He was just signed up for his first year of t-ball, and already has more heart than Mickey Mantle, and as much potential too. His goal is to be just like his brother, well, maybe even a little better.

Oh, and most important, he's left handed - which pretty much says it all. He looks just like his Dad, with his mother's heart, and his left-handed Uncle's personality - what a mixture. He really is my favorite little red headed boy.

Happy Birthday Roo! Mommy loves you!

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