Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blondie is Way too Smart for His Own Good...

The hubbie had to work late last night which left me in charge of getting the older boy to football practice. It is August in Texas, and I'm not one to hang out at any summer outdoor practices. Games? I'm front row baby - heat and all...but practices, I tend to sit those out.

So, being the thoughtful mother that I am, I call the head coach and ask him if my kid could bum a ride. How wonderful - he could, I was off the hook.

So, the boy goes to practice with the coach, and thankfully he brings him home too. Being a good mom, I then begin to attempt a conversation with my 8 year old as to how his practice was. He said the standard kid response - "fine".

Well, how was the ride with the Coach? "Fine. But he did creep me out a little."

Uh-oh. What could possibly creep out an 8 year old boy?

"He kept asking me stuff like, 'How big is your family?' and it was creeping me out."

Ummm, okay. Well, that's not really a 'creepy' kind of question. Trying to distinguish the difference for him I said, "Well, that's not really creepy. That's more or less small talk. Maybe he was curious - then again maybe he was just being polite. An example of a creepy question would have been 'So, how did your Mom get so beautiful?' ....I was trying to lighten the kid up.

He a little too quickly responded, "Yeah, that would be creepy...especially considering his wife was sitting right next to him." Then he rolled his eyes and left the room.

How is it that this kid can't figure out why it's impolite to fart in public but yet recognizes that inquiring about another woman in front of your wife is a big No-No?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, hahaha! You're gonna really have your hands full in a couple years :)